If you could be absolutely anybody, wearing a costume or otherwise, who would you choose to be? What would you choose to receive? What is getting in the way of receiving so much more money, joy, relationships, ease, success and possibilities in your life?
Join Veronica as she explores:
*Who is Veronica’s favorite super hero?
*Who could you choose to be for Halloween and your life?
*What is so spooky and scary about receiving?
*What aren’t you willing to receive that if you would receive it your whole Universe would change?
*A guided energetic meditation to move beyond your boundaries and receive more.
*What if you could receive energetically what you desire before it even shows up physically in your life? Would you receive it?
Would like to play and receive so much more? Join Veronica for a FREE Webinar on Sunday 11/3/19 @12pm EST for Turning Pain to Possibilities.
Receive Beyond Money: 21 Day Program for Changing pain, limitations and judgements into Potency, Possibilities and Profitability. Starts 11/5/19 LIVE via Zoom. Choose it HERE!