Meditation Techniques to Boost Your Sex Drive & Support Your Sexual Wellness

Taking a few moments each day to consciously ground yourself in your body can facilitate tantric connections to sexual partners that lift your libido, induce intensified orgasms and support your overall sexual wellness. Simply, there’s something about being with yourself that enhances your experiences being with others.

What exactly is Access Bars & what is possible for you now?

Is there anything in your life that you’ve been wanting to change but haven’t been able to? Is there anything you’ve been wanting to create and it just hasn’t happened yet? Check out this episode where Veronica & Karla share how to receive more ease with Access Bars. Would you like to know exactly what is Access Bars? Would you …

27 Health Experts Reveal The Danger Of Cheap Multivitamins

This article by WeAreFeel Team, featuring Veronica Parker, originally appeared on Cheap multivitamins are made from low-quality ingredients that make them less effective and even potentially dangerous for your health in the longer-term. Unfortunately, nowadays it’s very difficult to take all the daily nutrition that you need only from food. Taking vitamins is a useful thing but not all …

How To Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep – Health Professionals Share Their Tips

An article by Minuca Elena with guest expert Veronica Parker. This article originally appeared on TIPS AND TRICKS TO HELP YOU GET TO SLEEP Sleeping is one of the easiest things to do, so why can it be so difficult to fall asleep and then stay asleep? Personally, I have fought with insomnia in different periods of my life. The problem was always clearly …