27 Health Experts Reveal The Danger Of Cheap Multivitamins

This article by WeAreFeel Team, featuring Veronica Parker, originally appeared on WeAreFeel.com. Cheap multivitamins are made from low-quality ingredients that make them less effective and even potentially dangerous for your health in the longer-term. Unfortunately, nowadays it’s very difficult to take all the daily nutrition that you need only from food. Taking vitamins is a useful thing but not all …

The Secrets To A DIY Meditation Space, According To The Experts

An article by Margaux Lushing with Veronica Parker. This article originally appeared on forbes.com. I thought that dreaming of a dedicated meditation space in my new home was just the wild hair of a millennial wellness addict. But, it turns out, 87% of Americans believe that having extra space all to themselves makes them better people, according to a study by The Power …

Connect with this Magic Mantra to overcome obstacles and manifest miracles 

Sometimes it can be hard to get out of negativity or overcome obstacles in life. The mind wants to make us feel like it’s the boss in charge taking control of life. Practicing meditation and chanting mantras can train the mind to remember, it is NOT in charge.  YOU are! One of my favorite mantras from the Kundalini Yoga tradition …