How to Let Go of Worry & Struggle as You Flow Through Change

How are you navigating through the changes in the air? The beginning of a new season can bring up a vast ocean of unwanted thoughts and unexpected emotions in life.  I have personally found myself holding on tightly to summer as the end was quickly approaching. Trying to plan out new schedules, car pools and endless activities has my mind sinking in …

Celebrate Your Breath! Sacred Feminine Connection Retreat with Veronica Parker

It is with immense awe & gratitude that I share with you Celebrate Your Breath! Sacred Feminine Connection Retreat video. Feel free to catch a glimpse at our immersion weekend in 2015 where we connected with angels, fairies, dolphins and Divinity within. Dive through this magical portal into a Sacred Land of love, joy, playfulness, creativity, connection & transformation. One …

How do you pray & affirm what you want?

The energy in our world today continues to be super strong.  If you’ve been feeling confused, frustrated or stressed out, or like the Universe is imploding on your shoulders, you are not alone.  There is intense energy swirling around us creating a vortex for clearing and change…the dreaded word! Change can seem difficult or unsettling, yet it usually brings us …

Make a difference in Nepal, the world and your life!

If you’ve been feeling a bit out of sorts, extra emotional and may be even lost, you are not alone.  Many of us have been experiencing these challenging changes for the past three weeks. For myself, they’ve shown up as barricades in relationships and a need to create new structures within my business. Whatever used to work before, seems ancient, obsolete and …

Inner Goddess Glitterfying Ritual

In honors of Mother’s Day, I’m excited to share with you a super powerful Inner Goddess Glitterfying Ritual that will take you less than five minutes to do and you will feel Ahh-mazing! You can do it as soon as you wake up in the morning or anytime during the day. It doesn’t really matter when you do it, as …