How are you navigating through the changes in the air? The beginning of a new season can bring up a vast ocean of unwanted thoughts and unexpected emotions in life. I have personally found myself holding on tightly to summer as the end was quickly approaching. Trying to plan out new schedules, car pools and endless activities has my mind sinking in a sea of stress and confusion. I am also starting teacher training for Kundalini Yoga and I’m feeling both excited and scared as the unfamiliar uncharted change is nearing. Should I go through with it? Will I receive the support I need? Will I have enough time to complete it?
Feeling anxious, doubtful or worried is completely normal during our challenging shifts. After all, most changes don’t come with a detailed map highlighting the most optimal conditions, fastest routes and sparkly stops on this voyage of transformation.
The thing is, when you connect with your Ultimate Power, you can remember you are not alone in this juicy journey. You can connect with ease and peace to become more productive, happier and fulfilled as you flow through life changes. The Universe has your back and it can support you at all times. It can even help you map out the most joyful, luscious & adventurous destinations.
Watch this video HERE and learn how to let go of worry & struggle as you connect with your ultimate power to flow through change. Then, you can choose to register and receive
3 FREE training videos to conquer your mind and experience your Happily Ever NOW in life.
If not now, when?