Have you been feeling unclear, unfocused or overwhelmed with all the busyness in your life? I have! I have been buried in all sorts of appointments and activities that needed to get done. So, I turned my eyes up high, and this affirmative prayer was born to bring more peace and a clearer sense of connection to all that I AM. You are encouraged to read it out loud or in your mind, to help you receive what you need most in your life now.
(FYI, if the word God has a negative connotation for you, just replace it with Source or Love. That’s what God is anyway). Enjoy it ALL!
God is All there is. God is the center and the circumference with no beginning and no end. God is the bridge connecting all beings to infinite possibilities. God is peace. God is flow.
God is the water cascading down a peaceful waterfall.
God’s Presence heals.
God’s Breath reveals.
God’s Power is.
This is the Power and Presence flowing through my being.
This is the perfect peace infusing my life with well being.
This is the purposeful Love erasing the past,
along with all forms of fear and lack.
This is who I AM! This is my decree! This is my Love, this is my Life!
I AM enthralled in the enchantment of All that glitters and glows. I AM allowing all that sparkles & shines to flow freely in my life. I AM enjoying this miraculous moment. I AM present to what is.
I AM releasing all busyness and focusing on Spirit’s Truth, my Truth, our Truth. I AM dancing with All that is deliciously Divine. I AM peaceful. I AM focused. I AM confident. I AM purposefully creating my life~with love, with joy, with the full acceptance of God’s Sparkly Support.
I say YES! And I easily embrace.
I say YES! And I continuously connect.
I say YES! And I gratefully express.
I say YES! And I playfully create.
I AM ready! I AM willing! I AM yearning to express more of me. I AM clear. I AM connected. I AM confident. I AM never rejected. I AM always protected.
I AM Love. I AM Joy. I AM Limitless. I AM absolutely Divine!
Everything is possible in my life now!
I AM open to receiving. I AM open to believing. I AM open to conceding…
The painful illusion for Spirit’s Soothing Truth.
The paralyzing fear for God’s Infinite Love.
The sense of lack for the certainty of Supply.
I give thanks for all these Bountiful Blessings. I release this Word into Infinite Intelligence, knowing it’s already done!
And so it is!
Comments 2
Thanks so much for this inspiring prayer coming at just the right time!
Thank you, Veronica. This is sooo much appreciated. It also came at a time when I was multi-tasking and beginning to stress out. BFF breath is wonderful. Prayer is wonderful. I have much love and gratitude for the way you share your life’s purpose work with me and others. Namaste.