What happens when you start thinking about money and past expenditures? What thoughts go through your mind and what feelings come up? Tune into this episode where Veronica shares:
*Energetic processes to release feelings of worry, lack & limitation.
*Energetic processes to acknowledge the contributions you are making while magnetizing more money and abundance.
*A powerful tool from the book: Money isn’t the problem, You Are! by Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer
*A heartfelt mantra from Kundalini Yoga to invoke gratitude, abundance and miracles in your life
Join us in our FB group: Live Your Happy NOW! listen to the mantra & share your experiences with our tribe.
Wanna experience more ease and joy in your life? Join Veronica for private or group sessions and check out her upcoming Miracle Mindset Mentorship Program HERE
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Check out www.VeronicaParker44.com/trust and receive your FREE Guided meditation to ACTIVATE THE POWER OF TRUST while dissolving fear & doubt.