Episode 85: What can you do when you are feeling stuck?

Have you ever felt lost, stuck or like you just didn’t know what to do in your business or life? In this episode Veronica shares four insightful questions and other powerful tools to help you get unstuck and create so much more.  What would it take for you to choose them? What would it take for you to access more? …

Episode 84: The freedom to be more of me!

How many times did you shrink or constrict in the face of judgement? What would it take for you to have the allowance to receive more and be more of you? Check out this episode where Veronica takes you on a sparkly journey to experience more awareness, allowance and freedom to dissolve judgement and access the magical space of you. …

Episode 83: How to spark your passion in the bedroom with Dr. Cheryl Fraser

Ever feel like your romantic relationship could use a little extra spark? Tune in to this sizzling episode where Dr. Cheryl explores the connection with mindfulness and sexuality. Here are some topics she covers: What’s Dr. Cheryl’s view on soul mates? How can we show up in our imperfect relationships and make them dynamic and sizzling now? How is happiness …

Episode 82: Is self-sabotage ruining your life? With Lisa Marie Pepe

How many times have you judged yourself? How many times did you let other people put you down? What would it take for you to stop being a victim and overcome self sabotage now? Listen to this empowering episode where Lisa shares: *What happened to her in 2011 and 2013 which completely changed her life? *How did she go from …

Episode 81: Happy Solstice!

Solstice is an epic portal to accelerate change and transformation. No matter where you live or what solstice you are celebrating now, you can take advantage of this cosmic window to release what is no longer working and embrace a brand new way of being. Tune in to this super charged episode where Veronica travels through this cosmic window of …