116. What are your most exciting asks for 2020?

Have you been told you are greedy or ungrateful when you ask for too much? Have you been limiting what you are asking for? What if you didn’t have to limit yourself or your asks anymore? What if you could truly tap into your deepest desires and just ask for it all? Is it possible? Can you do it? Can …

115. What R U willing to release before the end of 2019?

Do you still feel like you are carrying heavy burdens? Is there fear, doubt, anger, or judgement lurking in your body or mind? Would you like to release all of it before the end of this year? Join Veronica for this light episode where she shares: *What would it take for you to release what no longer serves you before …

114. Is it light or heavy? Can you acknowledge you today?

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to find what is wrong with us and what’s not working? What if instead we could focus our energy and awareness on acknowledging what is working and all the greatness being created. Join Veronica for this juicy episode where she shares: -A taste from her BE-Dazzle Program: 11 days of acknowledgment & …

113. A Gift for you!

As we enter the holiday season, there’s a tendency to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Tune in to today’s episode where Veronica shares a gift for you of a mini guided meditation and energy pull.  Give yourself permission to relax, let go and receive whatever you desire at this time as you expand into the Infinite Being you truly are. Would …